Saturday 5 December 2015

OUGD601: Colours & Type

For the colour of the design many animal charities tend to use blue tones: 

See examples below:

However the charity is for wildlife, I believe blue is used for animal charities as it is a cool calming colour which seems to be used quite a lot in design now, as with the Facebook, twitter and Skype logos too. A colour palette more suitable would be something selected from a natural environment therefore I put several photographs into photoshop to select a natural colour palette to use for branding and design. 

From these photographs I selected a range of greens, browns and darker tones to create a natural colour palette for the designs to keep the branding consistent. 


The  choice of type used is incredibly important due to the wide and non specific audience. From looking at different possibilities of categories of type the most suitable would be a simple sans serif. This is because the type needs to be read at a distance and also be suitable for range of people with different eye sight. A more decorative font is only suitable as header text and it is difficult to read. More suitable fonts would be a softer sans serif  which have curves this is because the subject is nature and needs to appear friendly and natural. Fonts such as futura wouldn’t be suitable as they have harsh lines and geometric shapes. 

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