Sunday, 3 November 2013

OUGD403- Brief 4: Further Research & Interim Critique

Further Research & Interim Critique 

Within my interim critique I received mainly positive feedback which reinforced my ideas. It was said that my research was incredibly in-depth and as a result showed my passion for the subject which therefore was portrayed in my presentation. The feedback I did receive to move forward with this project and into Brief 5 was that I should chose an angle to look at the news story based on shark finning. Out of all the quotes from the newspaper they felt that this one in particular best suited my attitudes and research towards the subject:

It is a myth that people in Asia don't care about wildlife. Consumption is based on 

ignorance rather than malice."

As my research previously, I have looked into already existing campaigns which 

show how educating people can have a positive affect because they simply were not 

informed that what they were doing is wrong. This form of ignorance is based on what is 

socially and culturally accepted. 

The "Washington Post" stated: 

"The dramatic expansion in China’s middle and upper classes has transformed the country into a major driver of global wildlife trafficking. The Obama administration is so concerned about Chinese demand for endangered wildlife that it made the subject an important part of its bilateral dialogue this year."
"Lavish spending by China’s wealthy has also sent demand for ivory skyrocketing, fueling a massive expansion in elephant poaching in Africa.
The consequences of the traffic go beyond a crisis for wildlife. The illegal ivory trade has financed global crime networks and local insurgents, including Somalia’s al-Shabab — responsible for last month’s attack on a Nairobi shopping mall.“Conservation is more about China now than it is about Africa,” said Knights.
 “China can be the savior of wildlife or it can be the demise of it.” - This quote in particularly attracted my attention as it does highlight the fact that conservation campaigns and educating the people of china could save many forms of wildlife and improve people's perceptions and stereotypes. 

I researched what these words actually mean in a dictionary in terms of official definitions because these words in particular show the problems that need to be communicated. Graphic Design is the idea that there are problems that need to be communicated to an audience through image and text which translates to this brief. Brief 4 highlights the problem (ignorance in consumption of shark finning) whilst brief 5 gives an opportunity to resolve this issue. 

Brief 5:

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