Sunday, 3 November 2013

OUGD401- Semiotic Theory Seminar

"A science that studies the life of signs within society is conceivable. It would be a part of social psychology and consequently of general physchology; I shall call it semiology (from Greek semeion "sign"). Semiology would show what constitutes signs, what laws govern them"
Ferdinand de Saussure 1857-1913

Reminder: Denotation-literal meaningConnotation-implied or  associated meaning 

Signs include the signifier (stimulates meaning) and the signified (the meaning- denotation and connotation)
What something means or represents?
How it exemplifies its meaning?
Why it has the meaning it has?

Types of signs

Icon- Sign that resembles its reference linked by appearance to its subject(it geographically belongs there).
Index- where the said object or thing is being represented is in relation to the reader- an indication
Symbol- Has no literal meaning and logically does not make sense. It is culturally agreed to mean something else. 

Types of codes

'Codes are "organisational systems or grids" for the recurring elements that go into the constitution of anything that humans make, including signs, rituals, spectacles, behaviours and representations.' This can also include language and text. 

A text is a group of signs brought together to express a meaning. The meaning of a text is influenced by the context of it. Texts include a wide variety of signs which include codes and also conventions (meaning/ideology) to create a meaning as a whole and can be analysed as a whole piece rather than single signs. 


"As Barthes argued the themes of humanities earliest stories known as myths continue to permeate and inform pop cultures story telling efforts". They are not real and are a fantasy which we seem to believe are true. This is because representations are repeated until they become what we believe is true. These are called dominant ideologies are created and constructed by those in power to make the audience believe certain things or think a certain way. Such as the representation of women as less important and oppressed. This is because of a patriarchal society that means that men are in charge and therefore the views reflect what they believe and what they want others to believe to secure their power. Myths are created/ constructed as false but are repeated until it is seamless and natural such as the ideologies that "thin is beautiful" in fashion magazines. 


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