Thursday, 21 November 2013

OUGD401- Print (chronologies)

Print Lecture

Print: Initial Definition
to produce (a text, picture, etc.) by applying inked types, plates, blocks, or the like, to paper or other material either by direct pressure or indirectly by offsetting an image onto an intermediate roller. 
to reproduce (a design or pattern) by engraving on a plate or block. 
to form a design or pattern upon, as by stamping with an engraved plate or block: to print calico. 
to cause (a manuscript, text, etc.) to be published in print. 

Print is somewhat permanent and can be seen as true:
"I love a ballad in print alife, for then we are sure they are true"

Communication changed by the introduction of print. 
"Communication. Reproduction. Distribution"
This means that a piece or pieces of information can not only be created and known by one  person, but instead of word of mouth it can then be created into several copies and therefore more people have received such information (distributed). 
"knowledge is power", "mass communication"
The use of print is a response to a human need to share and learn information not only in images but also in text. 

Print can include a variety of different methods such as etching, mono prints and lino type.
Print has a variety of different forms of history which can relate from Japanese wood block prints, 

Print is also argued to be between form and function- communication versus beauty.

William Morris 
19th Century Textiles Print Designer- Victorian Aesthetics- to show wealth and beauty

Shepherd Fairy 
Print can also be used to create a message and a form of communication. 

This was created to change the representation of a certain WWF wrestler (Andre). Obey has now become incredibly iconic and is now a brand. 

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