Thursday, 24 April 2014

OUGD406: Brief 4- Speaking from experience

For the aesthetic of my book and poster which I am going to create I wanted to incorporate a light hearted tone of voice which would be somewhat humorous and relatable for the audience, thus the quotes I have chosen: 

The worst enemy of creativity is self doubt.
It's not who you are that holds you back… it's who you think you are
Thinking too much of what others think of you will ultimately change how you think of yourself.
Don't compete      create!
Creatives are persistent- they never give up until they have the perfect masterpiece.
Confidence comes from not always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.
The greatest and most famous designers are ordinary.
You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you're all the same.
Conformity is the death of individualism. 

Through looking at different type I really wanted to go with a hand rendered feel (which in its aesthetic is somewhat childlike). 

I started looking at examples of comic books and graphic novels or pieces of work of a similar aesthetic.

I really loved the simplistic design and the use of bright colours makes it seem quite young and fun, the type also appears hand rendered but It looks quite similar to the moon flower font (seen on dafont).

I also found this booklet which is aimed at adults to become inspired by their childhood and create colourful work. As a concept it is brilliant. 

I really love the use of bright colours within this and the informal tone of voice really works well with it too. 

I have also begun looking into different forms of binds of books (also seen in a previous post from the workshop); 

Perfect bind- these examples are for books with a large amount of pages- as I am not creating a vast amount of pages these probably wont be useful. 

Soft cover perfect bound- cheap costing and quick to produce. 

Hard back perfect bound, the pages/chapters are grouped together in small bundles which resemble large amounts of smaller saddle stitched books in one perfect bound book- this allows for large amounts of pages this one in particular had almost 500. 

Concertina: I really like the idea of using a concertina book and will look into displaying my work in this format.

I found this on behance and thought that it was a really good example of freshers information as it includes a mixture of all different kinds of advice. The fact this work comes in a pack is quite appealing as all its elements fit together quite well and aesthetically it is pleasing to the eye in terms of colour and would be something which would be read because it is well designed.

From looking at others freshers work I found that typography is quite important as most of the usual documents which bore students tend to be in sans serif fonts which are incredibly legible and readable however they don't seem to have the same attraction of the audience to entertain and be overall aesthetically beautiful and interesting too.

I really loved the use of simplistic lines within this piece and the simplistic colour palette also, colour is something which I really need to consider within my own work but I think aesthetically the use of vectors and simplistic lines is definitely the way forward with my work. 

Concertina books:

I definitely want to use a concertina bind for my book, I created a mock up and had a feel of how the book works, its definitely more interactive than a saddle stitch book which I also mocked up. The concertina book allows the viewer to investigate the work which then in turn encourages them to read the pages without realising. 

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