Thursday, 20 February 2014

OUGD401- Postmodernism

Postmodernism, Postmodernity.

Postmodernism tends to be known as the point in time which is directly after Modernism. 

Postmodernism reacts to the rules within Modernism and breaks them. Essentially there aren't any particular rules within postmodern artwork. 

Postmodernism is known aesthetically for having multiple styles and approaches. There is also a theme of quoting/borrowing previous historical styles and reusing them. Postmodernism also questions the limitations of Modernism and allows for others to create art such as women, multicultural people and sexual diversity within society. 

Las Vegas and parts of America form as part of Postmodernism, this photograph shows how different parts represent different areas of the world within one area.

This shows how an audience want an immediate thrill and by combining different elements they allow for consumerism. 

This building is an example of Postmodern architecture as it contains different elements of other cultures. 

This is another example within Paris which is a form of Postmodern design, the elements which would take up space such as the elevator are put onto the outside of the building, this allows for larger exhibition spaces to be created inside. Therefore this building challenges what a building must be.

This building shows how Postmodernism isn't as serious in comparison to Modernism. One of the photographs in particular shows the building to made of cheaper versions of what looks like stone (traditional). Old buildings tend to fall apart and therefore they have shown the building to do this also, which shows that the building isn't just for its purpose, it can be quite humorous and fun.

This example of Andy Warhol's work shows how Postmodernism challenges what art is and what it can be, he makes art out of the ordinary. 

Tracey Emin also challenges art, she also challenges how women are viewed. Her work often contains situations based on herself. Such as this piece above on the whole people tend to think "slept" tends to mean sexual relations, however it doesn't the piece genuinely displays all the names of people she has shared a bed with including friends and family.

David Carson in terms of type and layout is incredibly famous due to how he breaks all known rules of Graphic Design. His work forms a piece of artwork and questions the overall rules that Modernism portrayed such as form follows function. 

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